Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Avery's teeth

This month has been a big one for Avery. Her first tooth came through on April 6th, and the second wasn't too far behind. So not only does she no longer have a toothless baby grin, but she figured out how to stay sitting up on her own, despite her big baby-belly.

The video is of Avery floundering like a fish, it always makes me laugh, especially since she does it with a smile.


The Higginbothams said...

I can't believe how much Avery looks like Brooke in that top photo. What a cutie. I like her shirt too.
Your new template is cute and I LOVE that photo of the kids. Where was it taken? Perfect for spring. Where did you get those tights Avery is wearing? I'm excited for warmer weather and bare chubby legs.

Celeste M. Amazing said...

haha I love her! I need to see you guys again soon!