Friday, May 21, 2010

Its Warmin' Up

The last few days have been nice and warm so our family has been taking advantage of it. My whole day today was spent outside planting my flower garden. My tulips were all dying and missing petals, so I had to replace them. I have found that planting flowers has become something that I really enjoy. I took a picture, but by the end of the summer it should look different after they grow and spread, and lets be honest, there may be a few weeds.

We had a few families in our neighborhood over for a bbq the other night. The kids have had a lot of fun on the swings, and out riding bikes. Here is a video of the kids on the swings.

Cole was playing with some of the girls in the neighborhood the other day. They were all on the swing and he was pushing them. I happened to walk by when he asked them, "Why do I have to do all of the work? Because I am a boy?" Apparently he didn't mind, he kept on pushing them. Ah Cole, what a good husband you will make now that you have that figured out.


The Higginbothams said...

What a good boy Cole is. Too funny. I love your flower bed. You'll have to give me some tips.

Celeste M. Amazing said...

Nice job on flower bed! You are such a good homemaker - I need some tips :)