Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cole's Preschool Graduation

Cole graduated preschool last week. I am finally getting to posting the pictures. His teacher Ms. Michelle looks young, but she did a great job and Cole loves her. When he found out that she only teaches preschool and she won't be his teacher next year for kindergarten, he was very disappointed.
The kids sang several songs, one was the alphabet in sign language that they sang twice. Cole did a good job the first time, but was distracted the second time. The video is a little shaky, I need to do more practicing holding Avery and taking video apparently.


Celeste M. Amazing said...

haha your so funny.
Man Cole looks JUST like you - but in boy form :) Adorable kid!

Trotts said...

It's hard to believe Cole is already old enough to be going to Kindergarten. He looks so handsome in that shirt!

Eilene said...

You know how much I loved the picture you had used for your header a while ago, but this one is just as cute.

Tell Cole that I'm glad you took a video of him signing the song because I've loved watching it almost as much as when I saw it in person.