Thursday, September 2, 2010

Avery turned 1!

Avery turned one last month! I haven't posted because I am in denial that my baby is now so big. Between her, and Cole starting Kindergarten (more on that later), I am realizing that my kids are growing too fast.
I made Avery a butterfly cake and gave her the Twinkie in the middle to eat.

She wasn't sure just what to do with it, and the mess.

But as you can see, she finally got into it and enjoyed it.

She loved her presents and is excited to have another baby to kiss.

We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Reary the next day, which was her actual birthday, and she had another cake that Grandma made for her and balloons. The cake was so good it was gone before I could get a picture, but here is Ave enjoying her balloons.

1 comment:

The Higginbothams said...

That's a cute cake, and a good idea to give her the Twinkie. I guess if you expect your kids to be excited about their first birthday cake and devour it, you're going to have to stop introducing candy when they are 5 months old. Haha.