Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Halloween 2011

We had a fun Halloween this year. It was the first time that we all went trick-or-treating as a family. Usually I stay home with a baby and pass out candy while Shane takes the older kids out. This year we left a bowl of candy on the porch, and amazingly we had some left when we got home. It was a good night and the kids had lots of fun.
Here is a picture from the community center, they have a halloween party every year with trick-or-treating, games and prizes.


emily winn said...

they all look so cute. Caleb cracks me up.

The Higginbothams said...

Oh my gosh, funniest picture I've seen today in all my blog reading! Cole, with his legs crossed, made Cory and I laugh, but even harder was the look on Caleb's face. What is that? He's probably got candy in his mouth trying not to slobber. Zoom in and you'll laugh too. Thanks for the chuckles.